Saturday, August 15, 2020

We are to Love:

Sometimes, accepting all types of people and bringing the message of Christ to them requires us to put our personal thoughts aside. And just see them the way Christ sees them. 

I remember the day I walked into a Seattle Church female restroom and immediately my heart almost dropped in fear. I saw a Transexual female using the mirror. Honestly, my first response obviously was shock because this person hasn't fully transitioned and it was still obvious. I ran out and said, "a guy is in the ladies restroom."

She came to me afterwards and said, "that wasn't nice." I replied and said, "Am sorry, I wasn't expecting that in there. Hello, what's your name?" And that was how our conversation started and I heard a story that day that just melted my heart. I learnt so much that day. There are many reasons why people decide to go into different lifestyles we do not understand, but our first response should always be Agape Love. 

I know what the Bible says about homosexuals and the likes, but hate and disgust shouldn't be our first response to these people. May God help us and teach us to be his children and bring His message to a world full of hurting people. It's God's job to transform people. It's our job to love.

- Martha I. Iyen

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