Saturday, May 2, 2020

Procrastination and the Parable of the Ten Virgins:

We've all in one time or the other experienced some type of feeling of excess comfort that we put off certain serious work thinking we have lots of time ahead to do things.

The truth is, no one knows when their rainy day would come. The recent pandemic has showed us that it is wise to prepare adequately for things and plan ahead.

Yes, it's no ones fault, but in the area where some kids refused to attend lectures and thinking they would just go to school during review weeks and prep for exams in a hurry, they were so dissapointed because they realized they didn't have materials.

Most schools never thought of online studies as a backup plan.

Some guys even put off proposing marriage to someone because they felt they would keep seeing the sister from a distance in the Church.

Others just didn't put effort in Sales and didn't have some extra funds saved up.

What is that thing you blindly kept on hold thinking you had "forever"? What ever it was, just say a prayer to God and tell Him you are sorry for gambling with time and opportunity. The Good News is that He is a Merciful Father. He will help you. Now change and start from where you are to do right. Live right. Plan wisely with the help of The Holy Spirit. God bless you in Jesus Name.

- Martha I. Iyen

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