Saturday, May 18, 2019

Hindrances from Within:

"Sometimes, it's not the witches in your village that sabotage your plans, most times it's the fear from people who claim to love you. It's starts by discouraging you from your plans simply because they are afraid of letting you go. This fear is not godly. For example, some parents don't want their children to be married because they are afraid their adult child would abandon them after marriage. Another example is this: some parents don't want you to relocate for fear of not seeing you regularly. Another example is this, some men don't want their wives to accept a government contract for fear of their wives making more money than them. Another is this, some wives don't want their husbands to accept a particular job for fear of him committing adultery with his prospective secretary. ...Many examples. So, your dreams remain on hold. Remember, your life clock is ticking. You either live or wait till your time is up on planet earth! Pray for your loved ones. Pray that God removes their fears and grant them His Peace. Then pray for yourself, plan, and be the person God has destined you to be. God bless you!"
- Martha I. Iyen

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